Share your ride and save money

2 Passengers

Save up to $ on your first ride.


Simple rideshare as the driver

Save your time and let us handle the logistics.

Secure payments

We handle the financials so you can focus on the ride.

Passenger selection

Review your riders before accepting their booking.

Email alerts

Reach a wider audience when you a post ride.

In-app messaging

Protect your privacy with a built-in chat system.

Frequently asked questions

How do I get paid?
You can add your payment details here. On ride completion, your funds will be transferred within 24 hours.
How is the price set?
We use a range of factors (fuel, wear and tear etc.) to provide a recommended price range.
How do I cancel my ride?
You can cancel your ride here. If you already have passengers booked, please contact us directly.
Problem with the ride or a passenger?
Our team is here to support you. Get in touch with us and we will work to resolve any issues you may have.

Ready to drive?

Start saving today.

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